green said...
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Slidewell said...

Looking forward to hearing this one. McCoy Tyner with Grant Green? Sounds interesting. This is one of those "from the vaults" blue note releases, right? First released in the late '70s or 80's I think? Thanks for the post.

green said...

Hey Slidewell,

You are right. This one was actually recorded in 1965 but the original LP was issued only in Japan. You should also grab Solid, which is another great album by these guys (with James Spaulding and Joe Henderson added).

jbd said...

Thank a ton green. I have been enjoying the Grant Green records bunches. This one is a real gem.

Heervee said...

Thank you so much for all these wonderfull posts about Grant Green, he is clearly one among the 10 best guitarists for ever, and I love him.

I'm just discovering your blog, and it appears that I adopted two days ago an abandoned 6 months old cat very similar to your banner. Still looking for a name...Thank you again. Rvlee

Dr. Wu said...

Oh thank god, I finally found this. Thank you so much for this post.

Rev. Dr. Moller. MDMA, THC and BAR. said...

This looks great, thanks.