green said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
salience said...

very nice, thanks!

Contact said...

thanks a lot!

yewsta said...

Thank you, green. Not nearly enough Bird here so far.

green said...

You're welcome guys. i really appreciate you leaving comments on my posts.

catacaldos said...

Can't see the full link ,can you help me please?
Thank you

green said...

Hey, catacaldos -
I'm sorry that you can't see the full links. I'm guessing that you are having a hard time highlighting the whole link. so why don't you try including the blank line below when you highlight the link. and then go through a simple copy (Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl + V) procedure.
I hope this helped. If you are still having some trouble with this, please feel free to email me for the links.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Thank you very much!