green said...
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Anonymous said...

I do also love this cd, and think it would be an excellent choice to 'turn on' those not familiar with 'classic jazz' (pre-1960s anyway) and to try to help create new 'jazz lovers'.
You are doing a great service, green!

santigiordano said...


Neroon001 said...

one of my favorite trumpet players I agree with the first comment,although I have yet to hear this record.One day our family went to visit our aunt & uncle to make a long story short my uncle was listening to some records in his den and that was my first introduction to "small" group" recordings be-bop bop hard bop whatever you want to call it,at first it didn't sink in but I always remembered that day.Thanks again for all these wonderful shares

Adrie Meijer said...

I had this one on tape, many many years ago. Haven't heard it in twenty years, can't wait to hear it on my mp3 player today.