green said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

green, you've got all the essentials, don't you! You must have the greatest jazz collection ever!!
I'm the guy who only had volume 1; now i get a chance to hear volume 2. Incredible, my good man! imo, it doesn't get any better than hard bop from the 50's!

green said...

Hey, Anonymous guy -

I got your comment and thought to post this one for you. Thank you for always leaving positive feedback on my posts. It’s great to know that we have a very similar taste in music (I too am heavily addicted to hard bop).

santigiordano said...


Anonymous said...

This Blakey at Bohemia Cafe is a classic Jazz set, great post, many thx.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for this classic from the golden years

Roger (UK)

delco said...

Thanks a lot for this gift