green said...
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green said...
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Neroon001 said...

have not heard this one yet but I will.I thinking that maybe tomorrow night should be deemed Grant Green evening have a marathon of sorts.Thanks for sharing this and for putting quite a dent in my wish list of albums to get.

green said...

Thanks Neroon001, for leaving a bunkch of nice comments on my posts. I hope you enjoy these super hip albums.

Neroon001 said...

it's the least I can do I could not wait any longer and listened to a whole bunch of Grant Green yesterday.Today I will focus on some of the other albums.Thanks again for all the shares just a bunch of amazing albums !

dewhy said...

Green Blues the bluest!

OldHippieRick said...

Thanks Green my LP is skipping bad.. so this is just wonderful ;-)
☮ldhippierick ♪ ♫ ♪